The Nightlight

For Tuesday’s assignment, I created two new pages and have been turning over in my mind whether to do another one, two, or four. What I really wanted to do was something that I will dedicate to someone else, and I don’t want them to see until it is finished. So I considered a password-protected page, visible only to total strangers who take the time to ask for the secret key for entry. I’ve also considered a private page for this purpose, making it visible only when I plan to be completely finished with it a good many months from now. But I can’t decide. So I have not done that one at all. Instead, I have two other new pages:

  • A contact form, which I set up as a means to attain the password for the as yet unwritten page, and which I somehow overlooked during the details of the assignment.  Then I was told twice more by the “teacher” before finally understanding how to do it and setting up one of the simpler aspects of my blog.
  • A virtual pin-map marking the locales of those who visit my blog and care to tell me where they are from or where they currently are. This was my consolation page, since I’m still thinking about my first choice, but it was fairly easy to set up, and I like the fact that I can look here for my visitors’ whereabouts and not only at my statistics page. I also like that I can interact with those who stop by, while I can’t do that from my stats page without feeling like I’m spying or that I have followed them home. Never mind that most of you can do the same thing to me. 🙂

lightupworldSo please, tell me where I can put a pin on my map for you, and I’ll do it as promptly as I can. I am guessing you are not from the USSR, and even if you are, you aren’t anymore. This globe was a Christmas present to me years (and years and years) ago, and now is quite outdated, but that makes it an antique; a collector’s item. I received it while in high school or junior high, and it followed me to college and, later, to married life, now serving primarily as my wife’s nightlight. I may not have made my way around the world, but my world has certainly made it around.